Friday, October 15, 2010

Kellogg's Sultana Bran Buds

My daughter picked these Kellogg's Sultana Bran Buds to try.  

I was totally disappointed in them, I took one bite and it felt like I was eating air.  I was expecting a "tasty sultana layer" but I honestly couldn't taste anything.  So I decided to open the buds to see just how much of a sultana layer was inside.  

When I bit into it and had a look, I was gobsmacked - the bud looked empty to me.  

To double check I cut one open and this is what I found.

There is the tiniest sliver of sultana filling inside.  Not really what you expect to see after seeing the picture on the front of the box - which looks like the bud is filled with pureed sultana.  I feel totally ripped off with this cereal.  

In fact the ingredients list says the sultana filling is 20% and only 10% of that filling is of sultanas.  So "Sultana Bran Buds" only really contains 2% sultanas.  Surely the cereal has been wrongly named!

I had breakfast at 7:30am and by 9am I was starving.  More importantly I actually heard my three-year-old daughter's stomach rumble, meaning she too was hungry.  So their claim on the box which says "A good breakfast provides you with energy to give your body and your brain a morning boost, to help get you ready for school" is obviously not talking about their own cereal.  How on earth would I be able to send a child to school after eating this - they would be starving before they'd even opened their pencil cases for the day!!

On their website it says this about their product "With Buds light crispy shell and a delicious centre with sultanas, your kids won't want to wait until breakfast for their next bowl!"  Well their stomachs won't even be able to wait until lunch!

I will be contacting Kellogg's with my findings and let you know what they say.

I give it 1 out of 10 and will never buy them again.  


Welcome to my website which aims to showcase the worst serial cereal offenders.  Those cereals that leave you disappointed even before you've tasted them!

I have decided to write about my research - in the hope that one day those huge companies take note and stop taking us consumers for mugs.

My cereal rant started off mainly because I found many cereals NEVER looked like the picture on the front of the box and they just didn't quite live up to my taste expectations, so I often felt I was being mis-sold.

So everytime I buy a new cereal I will judge them in a few different ways.

1. Does the cereal in the packet/box look like the picture on the front.
2. Does the product live up to taste expectations.
3. How long is it before I get hungry again.